“CephsInAction: what next?”

will start in the morning of September 13th and will end in the early afternoon of September 15th , 2017; the afternoon session is reserved to the FA1301 MC Members  (MC Meeting).

Venue of this meeting will be the Lifecourse Institute in the campus of the National University of Ireland, Galway – Ireland (NUI Galway).

The agenda of this 2.5 days meeting will be announced soon.

This event is aimed at enhancing networking initiatives and explore future scientific outcomes, thus to further contribute to the development on an integrated larger cephalopod science community. Scope of this meeting will be to summarize the results and achievements of this FA1301 COST Action, to increase and further facilitate collaborative work and networking among all participants, to identify and possibly plan future research priorities by preparation of a whitepaper.

We aim to facilitate the contribution and future commitment of young-early career researchers.


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ITC Conference Grants

New Networking Tool “Inclusiveness Target Countries Conference Grants”

A new networking tool “Inclusiveness Target Countries Conference Grants” is now offered by the COST Action to get a financial support of upto 2500 EUR.


COST Association introduced a new networking tool “Inclusiveness Target Countries Conference Grants” (download the new user guide)

Conference Grants are aimed at supporting PhD students and ECI researchers from Participating ITCs (see below the COST Action FA1301 ITCs) to attend international science and technology related conferences not specifically organised by the COST Action. The financial support can be upto 2500 EUR.

You can now apply for the financial support using the e-COST system.

> More information about this networking tool, eligibility and other rules can be found here.

COST Action FA1301 Inclusiveness Target Countries Highlighted!

EFSA call for independent experts

EFSA has opened registration (until 8th September) for the renewal of its ten Scientific panels and its Scientific Committee. EFSA is looking for more than 200 independent experts who will carry out scientific assessments and develop related assessment methodologies.

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Curious CEPH

I’m really happy to announce you that the processing of video presentations which were filmed at the CephsInAction & CIAC Meeting (Heraklion, Crete, 2017) is finished!

All videos were uploaded to YouTube channel “Curious CEPH”, which we made to share cephalopod-devoted content.

Watch, comment and don’t forget to subscribe if you don’t want to miss a new cephalopod-devoted content (new stuff is coming)!



CephsInAction – Cephalopod Biology and Care Training School, July 2017 


The COST Action FA1301 and CBC Training Program is pleased to launch the fourth edition of the Cephalopod Biology and Care Training School

Cephalopod Biology & Care:
for the increase of animal welfare and to facilitate the use of minimally-invasive techniques


CBC-Welfare2017 Training School is open to people who perform the four functions, as stated in article 23 of the Directive 2010/63/EU: carrying out procedures on animals; designing procedures and projects; taking care of animals; killing animals.

CBC-Welfare2017 is designed following FELASA recommendations for the accreditation of Education and Training courses in Laboratory Animal Science.

Vico Equense (Napoli, Italy) from July 3rd to July 8th 2017

Admission (maximum 20 Trainees) will be confirmed after registration and notified no later than June 23 2017.

A limited number of grants are available through the COST Action FA1301. Eligibility and criteria for admission are available in the webpage.


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FA1301 STSMs 7th Call

The 7th call for the current grant period of the
COST Action FA1301 Short Term Scientific Missions
is now launched!



Deadline for applications is Friday 2 June, 2017 



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Additional FA1301 STSM call!


COST Action FA1301 opens

an Additional FA1301 STSM Call for the Current Grant Period




Submission Deadline: 09 March, 2017
