
CephsInAction – Cephalopod Biology and Care Training School, July 2017 


The COST Action FA1301 and CBC Training Program is pleased to launch the fourth edition of the Cephalopod Biology and Care Training School

Cephalopod Biology & Care:
for the increase of animal welfare and to facilitate the use of minimally-invasive techniques


CBC-Welfare2017 Training School is open to people who perform the four functions, as stated in article 23 of the Directive 2010/63/EU: carrying out procedures on animals; designing procedures and projects; taking care of animals; killing animals.

CBC-Welfare2017 is designed following FELASA recommendations for the accreditation of Education and Training courses in Laboratory Animal Science.

Vico Equense (Napoli, Italy) from July 3rd to July 8th 2017

Admission (maximum 20 Trainees) will be confirmed after registration and notified no later than June 23 2017.

A limited number of grants are available through the COST Action FA1301. Eligibility and criteria for admission are available in the webpage.


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